I chose to attend Western Technical College to pursue a degree in Marketing because of my status at the place where I work. At present, I work at Organic Valley CROPP Cooperative in the Distribution Center.  However, I do believe that my skills are better suited for the Marketing Department – but – I have no degree!

The one thing that convinced me to attend WTC was the fact that my wife, Virginia is a 1984 alum.

After being enrolled at WTC for about a month, things truly are living up to my expectations, and even beyond. I think that it is awesome that I am back in a classroom. My fellow students rule!!! Every week I get to know them a little better and I am truly becoming very fond of them.

The biggest thing that bothers me about being a student again is the fact that I realized how much technology has evolved since I was a boy.  I have literally went from a 1-2 channel, black and white television to my own personal home computer, laptop, tablet and (smart) phone.    I really need to learn more about the fast-paced, high-tech world of multi-media.

The thing that I like the most about Western is being in the classroom again, hearing other students’ ideas, opinions and perspectives.

I am afraid that the only student resource that I have taken advantage of so far is the Library.  I do need to take the time to explore the Campus in much more detail.

My wife convinced me to take only two (2) classes this trimester.  I am glad that I listened to her because I am finding out that three (3) would probably have been too much for me to handle.  The two classes that I chose are Orientation to Marketing and Marketing Principles.

I am loving what we are learning so far.  I did not realize that we would be able to create our own web site and, as for my “Ah-ha” moment, learn how to do our own blogs.  This allows me to do what I really believe is my truest passion, writing!!!

The short term goal that I would like to accomplish for this trimester is to average no-less-than an A for both of the classes that I am participating in.

My long term career related goal was answered in my very first paragraph, working for the Organic Valley CROPP Cooperative Marketing Department.

The following is a photo of me and my new best friend:



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