In an interesting article written by Humayun Khan, Inventory Management
- Identify Common Shoplifting Methods and Traits– beware of, a) pairs or larger groups used as distraction of employees during heist, and b) the hiding of merchandise by means of, i) clothing, ii) handbags, iii) Strollers, iv) umbrellas, a/o v) purchased merchandise. Also be aware of traits such as; 1) time watching the cashier, 2) several items into dressing room, exit with one, and 3) apparent nervousness (picking up random items with no interest)
- Leverage Coordinated Customer Service to Your Advantage– a) Greet Customers (so they know that you seem them), b) Adequate number of floor staff, c) walk-in bags policy, d) Train Cashiers to watch price tags (price switching), and e) implement a code which enables staff to alert each other of suspicious activities
- Optimize Your Store’s Design and Layout for Theft Prevention– a) place checkout so that customers must pass it while exiting, b) eliminate blind spots in corners while adding mirrors and plenty of lighting, c) keep displays low for good line-of-sight, d) keep small/expensive items under “lock-down”, and e) keep dressing rooms locked with tabs or limits on the number of items allowed inside at one time
- Signage, Signage, Signage– a) place anti-theft signs near the entrance, b) place signs up high where shoplifters will most likely check for surveillance cameras, c) implement your brand within the signage, and d) consider signs featuring ‘eyes’, which research has proven to double the likelihood of compliance
I believe that local La Crosse retailers could really deter shoplifters by implementing training programs that would fully informing their employees on what specifics they could and should be looking for in regards to shoplifter protocol and techniques. Being aware of shoplifter tendencies will sharpen employees’ eyes through observation, “Watch ’em, track ’em, stop ’em, rack ’em!”
The benefit in implementing this program for La Crosse area retailers would be having raised the awareness factor to employees concerning the frequency of shoplifting occurrences and the techniques used by them that distract and manipulate. Thief’s are deceitful, devious, cunning, and clever. As stated earlier;
“Watch ’em, Track ’em, Stop ’em, Rack ’em!!!”